
At the beloved/hated writing vessel

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Its a good life

It Is A Good Life-One night when I couldn't sleep, I was idly thinking about
what I might write about in my next blog. The thought "it is a good life"
popped into my head. My first reaction was, "Say what? You have GOT to be
kidding! " However, upon further meditation, and a lot of input from the
Holy Spirit, I did manage to come up with a few ways that this is a good

The most obvious one is my intimate relationship with God. I know very well
that, if I were more active with more interaction with people, I would not
be as close to God as I am at present. I know that I won't always be as
inactive and, from time to time, I admit to God that I will miss all of our
time together. Not that I plan to not spend time with Him but it will never
be quite the same as it is now.

Another way that my life is "good" is that, even though my life is tedious
and hum-drum, it is also not stressful. We live in such a fast paced society
that, these days, most people seem to be stressed out about something. I,
though , live at such a slow pace that there is not a whole lot to stress
about. Once in awhile. I am silly enough to let myself get stressed over
some minor thing or incident but, for the most part, there is not much in my
life cause stress.

One reason that there is not a lot of stress in my day-to-day life is that I
really have no responsibilities. No job to go to, no marriage to work at
keeping in good order, no family to raise, no bills to pay or whatever.
Needing other people to do everything for me is extremely frustrating but it
relieves me of responsibility. Simply put, if other people don't do things
for me, they don't get done. However, it is my responsibility to make sure
they know what needs to be done.

One final way that my life is "good" is that my time is my own. Aside from a
few scheduled things like meals and bedtime, I am free to do what I want
with my time. Even though I complain that I have too much time on my hands,
not having so many other responsibilities frees me up to do what I want. Of
course, taking into consideration my present physical limitations. When I am
not in bed, most of the time I spend on my computer. I can do whatever I
want on my computer, only I don't do anything that I know would displease
God. I know some people are constrained to use their computers for work or
schooling or whatever.

I admit that I am reluctant to admit that this is a "good" life but I
suppose it is in a few ways. But I still would like it to end. 

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