- As you would expect, the scope of my activities is pretty limited However, having always been a voracious reader, I do enjoy reading the Bible. I like it for several reasons.
The primary reason for reading the Bible is that it is a time of fellowship with God. A time when I can shut the negative circumstances and focus on what is really important. A time to let God speak to me through the Bible and a time that I can talk to God about what I read.
But I also read the Bible to get knowledge. If I want to know who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, where else would I look but God's own book? Or how can I know how They think if I don't read the Bible?There are many other things to be learned by reading the Bible. Like the promises of God, the commands of God, etc.
Along with knowledge, I also get wisdom and discretion from the Bible. The Bible is full, especially in Proverbs, of wisdom on how to "do life" the right way. I may not be able to use it all right now but I know that it is important to store in my heart for the future.
Reading the Bible is an anti-depressant for me. Times when I just want to scream and throw things out of sheer frustration or times that I feel so hopeless that all I can do is weep helplessly, I find that, if I am on my computer and can read the Bible-, and have the sense to do it, I ALWAYS feel better.
Reading the Bible also provides me with comfort. Even when I am not depressed, there are times that I just feel sad. At times like that, my best bet is to start reading the Bible. There are lots of comforting verses in the Bible and, before, long, the sadness is gone.
I have way too many hours in a day to try to fill up. It is certainly not the only reason that I read the Bible but it does help to pass time for me.
I lead a lonely life. All the people in Long Term Care do. When the loneliness is really overpowering and almost more than I can bear, I find reading the Bible answers that need as well. It offers companionship when people are not around.
One of the most important things that reading the Bible does is that it distracts me from my own thoughts and puts my focus back on God/Jesus where it should be. I struggle a lot with my thoughts so I need to be reading the Bible lots too.
Lastly, I spend lots of time in the Bible because I enjoy it. Plain and simple.
These are all good reasons to read the bible.