
At the beloved/hated writing vessel

Friday, 21 March 2014

What Jesus Did For Me

Before I start writing, I just want to mention that, if anybody out there has a question, feel free to e-mail me

-Actually, the inspiration for this blog came from our church service this past Sunday. They sang a song that said something about all Jesus has done for us and I just knew that was what I was going to write about. So here are a few things that Jesus has done for me.

1. Saved my life-Even though I was not a Christian at the time, I am sure that Jesus was instrumental in my survival. Afterall, He has a plan for my life but how could it be fulfilled if I died? The doctor said that I only had a 50% chance of living. But live I did and, when I was out of danger, the doctor told my husband that one of the reasons that I lived was because my heart and lungs were so strong from all the exercising I was doing at the time of the stroke. I suspect that Jesus put the desire for exercise in my heart because, until a few months before the stroke, I had no interest in getting into shape.

2. Saved me from going to hell-The most important thing that Jesus did for me was to change my final destination from hell to Heaven. Too often I think that this life is hell but I know that, compared to going to the real thing, this life is a picnic!

3. Has healed me-It is a done deal! I am not waiting to get healed. I am just waiting for the healing to get on the outside where it can be seen. I need to remind myself of that from time to time.

4. Gave His Word (Bible)-I love reading the Bible! It is my antidepressant. When I start to feel agitated, frustrated and/or depressed, if I am sitting up and can read the Bible on my computer, it usually calms me down and makes me feel better.

5. Fellowship-My inability to speak makes fellowship with other people, especially several at a time, pretty difficult. Because of it, I do lead a pretty lonely life. However, also because of it, I have learned to fellowship with Jesus all the time in my mind. Believe me, He has heard it all-good, bad and ugly!

6. Gave His Presence-I am aware of the presence of God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit all the time but there are times when I feel the Presence in a special way. Like a liquid heat enveloping my body. Sometimes I feel it at church, especially during the praise and worship. Sometimes I feel it when I am lying in bed, listening to Christian music. But I also feel it quite often when I am upset, crying and feeling desperate. Like He is giving me a spiritual hug or something.

7. Gave me peace-Sometimes people will say how peaceful it is in my room. One thing I know that makes for peace is the Christian music that I have playing most of the time. Another thing that aids in a peaceful atmosphere is the scentsy that I have burning. Much better than some of the smells in this place! But the peaceful atmosphere seems to disappear when I take my focus off Jesus and start feeling sorry for myself.

8. Gave me joy-When I was first saved I felt so much joy that I barely noticed the circumstances of my day-to-day life. But, as the years have gone by, I seem to have lost most of my joy. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit so I know that it is there somewhere.

These are just a few of the many things that Jesus has done for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Linda for being so inspirational. We all need to be reminded of how much Jesus has done for us.
