
At the beloved/hated writing vessel

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Princess-I had no idea what to write in this blog until I was reading a devotional
by Charles Spurgeon in which he refers to us (born-again ones) as princes.
That reminded me of when, years ago, the Holy Spirit told me that, if I was
a King's (God's) kid, that would make me a princess. What does being a
princess entail? Not being personally acquainted with a whole lot of
princesses, I am probably going to primarily base any comments I make on princesses
in fairy tales.

First, though, I want to mention a couple of things that Spurgeon said about
princes. The same thing can be said about a princess. He said that a prince
is in select company. Born-again Christians, male or female, have been
handpicked by God. That puts us in His select family. Select but by no means
exclusive. God is constantly adding people to His family. As born-again
Christians, our part is to tell people about Jesus and His salvation plan.
After that, God will bring in the ones He wants at that particular point in

Another thing that Spurgeon mentions about a prince is that his is a place
of honor. As a princess, I have a place of honor too. Whether or not we have
a place of honor among people of this world, we know that we do of God and
that is really all that matters. Honor in this world is temporary but the
honor bestowed by God will last forever. What is honor? One definition I
read said that honor is high respect or esteem. If we are born-again
Christians, the King of Kings holds us in esteem. That is mind-boggling!

One last thing that Spurgeon mentioned is that a prince has ready access to royalty
that ordinary people don’t have. Obviously, for a princess as well. As God’s
daughter, or princess, I have access to the King of Kings anytime I want.
Becoming a born-again Christian has given me that right. But it is up to me
to exercise that privilege.

Now for a few thoughts of my own. The first thought that came to my mind is
that a princess is well-provided for. Wealthy, even. A princess is not
worried about the basics in life such as food, shelter or clothing. She
knows that her father, the king, will provide all she needs and even more
How much should I, or any other born-again Christians, recognize that, as
God's princes and princesses, our Father, the King of Kings, will meet our
needs. Our part though, is to trust Him to bring it in His way and time and
not to panic and strive to meet our own needs.

Princesses in fairy tales are usually beautiful. From a human perspective,
there are plenty of funny-looking people in this world. But God's
perspective is not the same. Anybody who is a born-again Christian is
beautiful in His sight. Period. Doesn't matter if we are handsome or homely,
fat or skinny, black or white, etc. Kind of like a human father. He sees his
child as beautiful, no matter what anybody else thinks.

I would think that a princess has a good self-esteem. I can't imagine a
princess going around saying how unworthy she is. When Jesus saved me, He
made me worthy. I know that. But, at times, I find myself whining about how
unworthy I am and acting in a way that I think a princess should not be acting.

Most fairy tales have a Prince Charming. Jesus is my Prince Charming. A
prince charming comes to rescue a damsel in distress. As God's daughter, I
may be a princess but I am also a damsel in distress. When Jesus died on the
cross, He rescued me and everyone else from our distresses. But we have to
believe it. I do. My healing just hasn't gotten to the outside yet.

As I was writing this, the thought came to me that, instead of calling each
other Brother or Sister, perhaps  we should start calling each other
Prince So and So or Princess So and So. Said tongue in cheek. 


  1. I always feel better after reding these. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with the world.

  2. Thank you Linda for reminding us of who we really are. It's easy to be critical of ourselves.
