Dreams And Imaginings-In a previous blog, I mentioned one thing that had kept me going all these years has been hope. Another thing has been my dreams and imaginings. Because I have so much time to do nothing but think, it passes time and helps take my mind off all the negative circumstances in my life. The dreams and imaginings also help to keep the promise of healing fresh in my mind. I just have to make sure that my dreams and imaginings don't drift into "unhealthy" areas. They do sometimes but then it is up to me to jerk them back in line.
The majority of my dreams and imaginings revolve around my healing from God.
The first thing that I like to imagine is how it will come about. The truth is that I have absolutely no idea. Just that it probably won't come about anything like my imaginings. My favorite is to imagine that I just, one day, I will hop out of the wheelchair and start walking and talking like any other person. At times, l dream that somebody lays hands on me and I end up being healed. Or I sometimes imagine going to sleep one night and, in the morning, waking up healed. Not often but once in awhile I speculate on a new medical procedure that could restore me to health.
I also dream about where my healing will take place. The first place I think of church. It is a healing from God so isn't it logical that He would heal in a church? But God is not always logical, at least not by human standards of logic, so I know that my healing could just as easily happen somewhere else. Like Long-term care. Either in my room or, maybe, in the dining room,.
That would be interesting. Whenever I go out, to whatever, I am always thinking, "What if it happened now?"
It is also fun to imagine who might be present when I am healed. Usually I dream about just hopping out of my wheelchair or bed, totally healed.
Mostly, I like to think about the look on their faces. Sometimes, I dream about being healed at church. Even though it is Christians and should expect it at anytime, it has been so long that I am sure that there will be a lot of surprised people. Including me, probably. But I also dream of being healed in Long-term care. Sometimes, I imagine suddenly being healed when I am alone in my room and coming out and freaking out the nurses. Or perhaps it will happen while they are doing my care. Sure to be equally shocking.
Wherever I go or whoever I am with, I like to imagine what would happen if I received my healing right at that moment in time .
One thing that I have never dreamt about much is when it will happen. I know the timing is entirely up to God. When I was 35, I would imagine being able to things that any 35 year old would do. However, now that I am considerably older, the things that I imagine myself being able to do have changed with my age.
Speaking of things that I would be able to do, there are certain things that I dream of doing. One is going for a walk. Whether it is just a walk or I am going somewhere specific, I so look forward to being able to walk again.
Another that I dream of being able to raise my hands to God at church . I also imagine reading an actual book. Right now, I read lots on my computer but it is not the same as a book that you can carry with you. Of course, there are mundane things like being able to dress and feed myself. These are just a few of the things I dream of being able to do. There are many, many others.
I like to eat so I often dream of all things that I will be able to eat after my healing that I can't eat now. All the hard things that I can't eat now. Like an apple. Or raw vegetables. Or nuts. Or hard candy. The list could go on and on. Sometimes, I even imagine myself going to a restaurant and ordering a big steak!
A final dream I have is of suddenly starting to speak even though the rest of me has remained unchanged In fact, a couple of the nurses have had dreams where I was talking to them. I find that interesting. Anyway, I like to dream that I can talk and be part of conversations, at Long-term care, church and elsewhere. I dream of easily being able to tell people things and not get frustrated because they don't understand what I am trying to say.
l know that, of all my dreams and imaginings, very few, if any, will actually come to pass. But I also know that, without these dreams and imaginings, I would probably be thinking a lot of thoughts that tend to make me depressed.
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