God is...-A couple of days before starting to write this blog,I was
wondering what I would write for my next blog. I had a couple of vague ideas
rolling around in my mind but nothing definite. However, the Holy Spirit
said, "Write about Me (God)". My immediate response was, "Ok, Lord. What
shall I write about?". I felt to write about the attributes of God. But,
being as there are so many, I just selected a few that mean a lot to me
right now.
God is love. Everybody needs to feel loved. I am no different than anybody
else. But love from people has its limitations. The love of God doesn't.
None of us can truly know how great it is but one thing that really matters
to me right now is that it is not based on my performance. It is comforting
for me to know that God loves me just as much when I am depressed and crying
as when I am doing all the things that I know a Christian should be doing.
Like praise, reading the Bible, etc.
God is good. And all the time. Not just when things are going well. I have
come to understand that, no matter how horrid things become for me, God is
still good and all the yucky circumstances that He is allowing in my life
right now will eventually work out to give me a wonderful future. As long as
I don't give up. Knowing that has kept me going through a lot of difficult
God is compassionate. To me, compassion is more than just a feeling of
sympathy for someone. It does what it can to help to help the other person.
When God sent Jesus to die on the cross so people wouldn't have to go to
hell, that is ultimate example of compassion, is it not? Knowing how
compassionate God is, makes me understand that I won't be like this forever.
At the right time, God's compassion will move Him to do whatever needs to be
done to get me out of this situation.
God is merciful. This is the attribute of God that I may value most right
now. That incredible mercy of His that doesn't give us what we deserve. I
think of the times in the Bible that people do things that should be
punished but, because of His mercy, He turns away His anger. Mostly, because
He understood that they were just people. I am the same. Many times, mostly
out of frustration, I will act in way that is not pleasing to God but,
instead of the rebuke I deserve, He usually finds some way to comfort me. Of
course, I do get rebuked from time to time but not nearly as often as I
think I deserve.
Hand and hand with God's mercy is His patience. Human patience seems to have
a pretty short expiry date but His patience just goes on and on and on... I
know my patience with other people, whether it is using my speech board or
something else, usually runs out after several tries but God has people go
over and over the same thing until we get it right.
God in never changing. It is important to me that all the promises He made
way back when the Bible was written are just as true today for me or anybody
else. And that includes the promise of physical healing. My part is to know
the promises so well that I can remind Him of what He has said. Not, of
course, that He has forgotten but He likes to know that we know.
Finally, an attribute of God that really matters to me right now is the fact
that He is ever-present. Because I spend so much of time alone, it is a
comfort to know that He is always there when I need someone to talk to. And
it is just as comforting to know that, times when I am feeling down and
depressed, He will still be there, just waiting for me to turn to Him.
There are many more attributes of God. Too many to list in this blog. I
merely mentioned a few that are especially important to me in my present
Thank you for writing your blogs. I know it takes you a long time to do it. I enjoy reading them.