
At the beloved/hated writing vessel

Friday, 18 April 2014


       -Because today is Good Friday, I decided to share a bit about how hard holidays are  on me emotionally. For plenty of other people as well, I am sure. At Easter, of course, I know that I should primarily be focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus but there are aspects of it, or any  other holiday that I do struggle with.

The main one is that it is such a family time. No matter how good friends people are, when holidays come round, they want to spend time with family. And that is the way it should be. But, if people are not able to spend time with family, for whatever reason., holidays are an extremely lonely time.

I should mention that, here in Long Term Care, they do give us special meals for holidays but it is not the same as the homecooking and fellowship of being  with family.

By far the most difficult holiday for me is Mother's Day. Now that my children are older and would be away from home anyway, it doesn't bother me quite as much as when they were little and I couldn't be with them. I admit that I have found going to church difficult on Mother's Day. Not that I ever thought of not going. I really am glad that the mothers are acknowledged, they deserve it, but it's hard for me to listen to year after year when I have never been able to be  a "real" mother to them. But, like I said, it is easier now that they are older.

As I was writing this, the thought crossed my mind that a lot of holidays have strong Christian connotations. At Christmas it is the birth of Jesus, at Easter it is the resurrection of Jesus and Thanksgiving it is thankfulness to God for harvest. I need to concentrate more on what these holidays really mean and less on  all I miss out on. I wish, though, it was as easy to do as it is to say!

For me, perhaps the best thing about a holiday is that it is soon over and life returns to normal for everybody! 


  1. Hi Linda, I'm sorry I will miss seeing you this Saturday. I sometimes felt the same way about Mother's Day - only because my husband wouldn't give me a card or any gifts. He would always say that I'm not his mother. So it would be up to me to buy the "Mother's Day" gifts for myself. I will see you when I get back from Carlyle.

  2. Glad you pointed this out. I always found Christmas and Mothers' Day hard as a single person. The Mothers' Day cause I wanted so badly to be a mom, and the Christmas one because of the presents, silly as it sounds. Who gives a single adult Christmas presents? When your siblings have spouses and kids, it's pretty obvious how empty your side of the room is. Anyways. Thanks for thought-provoking sharing.

  3. Hi Linda I was having problems commenting on your blog, with my ipad and iphone but i finally figured it out~! I have enjoyed reading every single one and I look forward to them. I always thought if anyone should write a book it should be you. Thank you for encouraging me in my faith and for those reminders to be thankful and greatful! Love you Linda Many Blessings Please keep writing you have so much wisdon to share, ( sorry for all the bad spelling an puncuation)
